Sunday, September 30, 2018

Books :: Kakalak 2018

kakalak 2018 blogMain Street Rag accepts submissions to the Kakalak anthology each year, publishing poetry and art by or about the Carolinas. Submissions are selected through an annual contest, opening in January and running through May.

The 2018 edition will be released this upcoming December, featuring the poetry and art award winners and honorable mentions.

2018 Poetry Award Winners:

1st place: Derek Berry
2nd place: Betsy Thorne
3rd place: Anne Waters Green
Honorable mentions include Jane Seitel, Beverly C. Finney, Suzanna L. Cockerille, and Kathy Nelson.

2108 Art Award Winners:

1st place: Jeanette Brossart
2nd place: Cheryl Boyer
3rd place: Ashley Jolicoeur
Honorable mentions include Jack McGregor and Joyce Compton Brown.

If you pre-order now, you can save a few dollars (to spend on some of the other great Main Street Rag titles perhaps).

from Blog Items

Monday, September 24, 2018

2018 William Van Dyke Short Story Prize Winners

Ruminate Fall 2018 (#48) features the 2018 William Van Dyke Short Story Prize recipients, as selected by judge Susan Woodring:

jason villemezFirst Place
"Coda" by Jason Villemez [pictured]

Second Place
"Terra Incognita" by Laura O'Gorman Schwartz

Honorable Mention
"The Pistachio Farmer's Daughter" by Heather M. Surls

The next submission deadline for the short story contest is February 15, 2019. The contest is open to stories 5500 words or less with no limit on the number of entries (one per fee).  The winner receives $1500 and publication; $200 and publication for the runner-up.


from Blog Items

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Resources for Young Readers and Writers

Teachers and mentors to young readers and writers, check out the NewPages Young Writers Guide, a listing of publications written for and accepting submissions by young writers as well as contests for young writers. This is an ad-free space and all listings are vetted for ethical treatment of minors submitting writing for publication and contests and using the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act guidelines. If you know of a publication or contest we could list here, please contact us. Encourage young writers to read and submit their writing!

from Blog Items

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Edify Fiction Seeks Themed Submissions

Edify Fiction is seeking submissions for two upcoming themed issues. For the December 2018 issue, they are accepting pieces surrounding the topics of Christmas, holiday, and winter. Their January 2019 issue looks at all things teen - from teen writers to bullying, peer pressure, emotions, first love, best friends - and more.

angela meekWhen I asked Edify Fiction Editor Angela Meek [pictured] about the teen-themed CFS, she replied, “I was inspired recently to make a themed issue about teen concerns because of a story we recently accepted that incorporated the author's own experiences as a teen and how those challenges shaped him. As a mom with a teen who is starting to stretch those wings and find her way in the world, I thought it would be a good time to have a dedicated issue.”

The call is a broad one, and Meek says they want it that way: “We're pretty open as long as it is has a teen flavor to it - growing up, relationships, bullying, sports, siblings, dealing with parents, dealing with living in a divorced family, acceptance, school - you name it. As long as it is related to teens in some manner, any topic is welcomed. We also would love to feature as many teen writers as possible - from never-been-published to those writers who know their way around the writing world.”

For more information, check out Edify Fiction on Facebook and Twitter. Their general submissions guidelines can be found here, which apply for the themed issues as well. Deadline for both these themed issues is October 31, 2018.

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