Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our daily tweets

08:24 At the social media breakfast at Cap Rep in Albany #smbtv

08:25 Michelle DeRosiers from Cap Rep is now onstage talking about Shear Madness and Cap Rep #smbtv

08:27 Amy is introducing guest speaker justin levy @smbtv

08:28 Case study of how to use social media for a restaurant #smbtv

08:33 RT @995TheRiver: Meet Theory of a Deadman at Cruefest! Go to before 3pm to enter for chance to win

08:34 Justin Levy is talking about entering into a failing restaurant business and having to ax marketing budget #smbtv

08:35 "It's called social media, but it is really a survival technique." -- Justin Levy @smbtv

08:36 Justin Levy: You should be on #FB and @twitter, but there has to be a reason behind it #smbtv

08:37 Justin Levy used his personal accounts to build community based on person (sted of branding account) #smbtv

08:40 For blog, many say to start one branded w/domain; Levy decided against that so blog could be broader about restaurants in general #smbtv

08:41 RT @humbearto: Loves how his story published the day of #smbtv about @bjmendelson check it out!

08:41 RT @remarceissac: What is unzipping a tomato? Have to watch that video... #smbtv

08:42 Restaurant's SEO used key phrases on restaurant site and blog -- competing w/itself #smbtv

08:43 SEO as a way of stealing eyeballs from competition @smbtv

08:44 Listening, @jus tinlevy says, was crucial to success; listening on all levels #smbtv

08:45 Success for restaurant has been up 20% each month (at least) over previous month, but spend close to zero on marketing #smbtv

08:46 @justinlevy uses a lot online, but still uses newspaper ads -- YES! #smbtv

08:47 RT @timesunion: Single most important social media lesson: Listen. @justinlevy #smbtv

08:48 @justinlevy Sweat equity included 5, 6, 7 hours a day on social media #smbtv

08:50 What does listening mean? @justinlevy says listening to online conversations, searching for brand, products, services, names #smbtv

08:50 Listening also includes competition and the industry in general @justinlevy #smbtv

08:53 @justinlevy listening tools include google alerts via RSS or e-mail

08:53 @erikimorton Yes, @timesunion sells online ads, but the print product remains the biggest money maker #smbtv

08:54 Listening also includes #smbtv to see real time conversations

08:58 @erikimorton Interesting -- I'm listening to you! #smbtv

08:58 RT @kred13: RT @amymengel: You can choose to ignore conversations on the Web, but they will still happen regardless. #smbtv

08:59 @justinlevy Social media strategies for restaurants will be different fo r other companies #smbtv

09:01 RT @mzamultimedia: Ustreaming #smbtv, check us out live at (smbtv live >

09:04 RT @smbtv: Key takeaways: Listening is key. Find and respond to conversations about your company. Create opportunities through socmed #smbtv

09:05 @humbearto Good eye for detail -- I'm glad you work for @timesunion #Saratoga #smbtv

09:10 RT @remarceissac: I love it when brands humanize themselves. It makes me feel better about using them. #smbtv

09:11 @justinlevy talks about how #dell has 40-50 separate twitter accounts for separate product lines #smbtv

09:12 RT @kred13: Using real names as handles helps co. Create stronger human bonds @justinlevy #smbtv

09:14 RT @TheHeatherB: I guess it takes public complaining to get companies to realize they need to step up service. Humanize your company. #smbtv

09:14 RT @designtramp: Social media: It's less about innovation than it is common sense and courtesy which breed brand loyalty. #smbtv

09:20 #smbtv for those of you who are curious about Shear Madness, here's the Times Union's review:

09:22 @justinlevy For social media to work, an organization needs a cheerleader; are you your organization's cheerleader? #smbtv

09:24 #smbtv Q&A begins: Is there a dedicated person? @justinlevy says: The te am is me

09:26 #smbtv Q: What one tool works best? A: Listening, responding, being part of the community

09:29 #smbtv Q: How prevalent is ghost bloggin/twittering a la @guykawasaki A: It works for Guy, but I don't recommend. We can be our own person

09:33 #smbtv Q:

09:36 #smbtv Q: @comcast Who are the Twitter teams? A: In general, Twitter teams are hired exclusively, but every co. is different

09:37 #smbtv Q: What were specific goals on blog? A: 1. Show food expertise & be helpful 2. be involved in community

09:40 #smbtv @justinlevy Touts "snackable content" for blogs -- shorter, more focused blog posts

09:42 #smbtv Q: Do you have traffic goals? A: At first no, but now we have egotistical goals. If one person fi nds it helpful, that's what matters

09:44 #smbtv Q: How do you differentiate blog, FB, Twitter? A: Use all for building community/trust

09:44 #smbtv A: Twitter allows to be transparent and real-time responses to be helpful to others

09:46 #smbtv A: Twitter allows to just be a person, general likes/dislikes; Blog is "where you teach from"; FB a personal space

09:48 #smbtv A: Has dedicated screen for Twitter; always runs 12-15 Twitter searches, but must go where customers are: Twitter, FB, YouTube,etc.

09:51 #smbtv A: commenting system replaces blog comments:

09:58 #smbtv Q: @humbearto What if tools go down? A: It sucks (DDoS attack); there are backup sites; multiple platforms can help

10:02 RT @remarceissac: .@humbearto asking a great question at #smbtv

10:02 #smbtv finishing up -- now back to the day job

10:57 #followfriday @atticfox @LarkStreetBID @CDLF @tablehopping @super400 @kred13 @ZacWilliams @equalvision @vinsantoalbany

11:32 Thanks to @amymengel and @justinlevy for an interesting #smbtv event -- looking forward to the next one

14:21 @AlbanyKelly no worries; I wasn't quite awake yet and needed the coffee! #smbtv

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