Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our daily tweets

01:01 Brunch with Michael Lamkin: Justin's,301 Lark St., Albany, NY . bit.ly/2XxG61

10:28 Worth a read. Congrats Proctors! Sunday in Schenectady: I am sitting in St. Joseph's church in downt.. bit.ly/4vdz7X

10:28 RT @bt1soul: RT @thehiddencity Discard Avant Garb Photo Gallery: bit.ly/15289k Slideshow: bit.ly/Lqsfa

11:01 @vinsantoalbany Thanks for the #ff !

17:21 New blog post: Jad J. Jacob Performing for Children’s Hospital 10/25: Nine-year-old fifth g.. bit.ly/1wGzvA

17:51 New blog post: Julian Lage brings guitar mastery to the Van Dyck: guitar prodigy at 8 years old, .. bit.ly/Rr9bl

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