Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Books :: Award-Winning February 2017 Publications

sun urn retribution binary blog postIn February, Black Lawrence Press released Retribution Binary by Ruth Baumann, which advance praise calls “a study in wreckage and palpable absence” that is “Part dreamscape, part gutter-bucket realism” (Marcus Wicker).  Retribution Binary is the winner of the Black River Chapbook Competition, and Baumann is no stranger to winning chapbook prizes, winning the Salt Hill Dead Lake Chapbook Contest in 2014 and the Slash Pines Chapbook Contest in 2015. Copies of Retribution Binary can be found on the Black Lawrence Press website, where readers can learn more about Baumann, and read an excerpt.

Also released last month was the winner of the 2016 Georgia Poetry Prize, Sun & Urn by Christopher Salerno, chosen by Thomas Lux. Lux calls the collection “madly imaginative, and, ultimately, a brilliant and deeply human book,” imploring readers to read it three times. Salerno’s fourth poetry collection, Sun & Urn is now available from the University of Georgia Press website, a book made from “the wild stuff of grief and loss.” Check out the press’s website for more information.

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