Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Glimmer Train May/June Short Story Award for New Writers

Glimmer Train has just chosen the winning stories for their May/June Short Story Award for New Writers. This competition is held three times a year and is open to all writers whose fiction has not appeared in a print publication with a circulation greater than 5000. The next Short Story Award competition will start on September 1: Short Story Award for New Writers. Glimmer Train’s monthly submission calendar may be viewed here.

DanMurphy1st place goes to Dan Murphy [pictured] of Brooklyn, NY, who wins $2500 for “In Miniature.” His story will be published in Issue 101 of Glimmer Train Stories. This will be his first fiction publication.

2nd place goes to David Ye of Irvine, CA, who wins $500 for “Blue Water.”

3rd place goes to Jen Wellington of Buffalo, NY, who wins $300 for “Red Stick.”

A PDF of the Top 25 winners can be found here.

Deadlines soon approaching:

Fiction Open: August 31 (grace period extends through September 10)
Glimmer Train hosts this competition twice a year, and first place has just been increased to $3000 plus publication in the journal, and 10 copies of that issue. Second/third: $1000/$600 and consideration for publication. This category has been won by both beginning and veteran writers - all are welcome! There are no theme restrictions. Word count generally ranges from 3000 – 6000, though up to 20,000 is fine. Stories may have previously appeared online but not in print. Click here for complete guidelines.

Very Short Fiction Award: August 31 (grace period extends through September 10)
This competition is also held twice a year, with first place winning $2000 plus publication in the journal, and 10 copies of that issue. Second/third: $500/$300 and consideration for publication. It’s open to all writers, with no theme restrictions, and the word count must not exceed 3000. Stories may have previously appeared online but not in print. Click here for complete guidelines.

from Blog Items http://ift.tt/2ezBxPC

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