Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Rhino 2018 Prizes

Rhino: The Poetry Forum annual publication includes winning and selected entries from two annual prizes.

Each year, Rhino selects Editor's Prize Winners from among its general submissions to receive cash, publication, and nomination to the Pushcart Prize. There is no additional process; all submissions to the publication are considered.

First Prize
"Worms" by Erika Brumett

Second Prize
"You Have To Be Ready" by Amanda Galvan Huynh

Honorable Mention
"betty" by Amy Bilodeau

The Founder's Prize is an annual contest (Sept 1 - Oct 31). Winners receive a cash award, publication, and Pushcart Prize nomination. These entrants are also eligible for the Editor's Prize.

abby e murrayWinner
 "Asking for a Friend " by Abby E. Murray [pictured]

 "Odysseus " by Joseph Fasano
"Amelia Earhart Folds Origami Cranes" by Adie Smith Kleckner 
"Midden" by Paul Otremba

All of these works can also be read on Rhino's website.

from Blog Items https://ift.tt/2I1Wdwe

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