Friday, September 27, 2019

Heron Tree Found in the Public Domain

heron treeBetween October 2016 and February 2017, Heron Tree online poetry journal published a series of works "constructed from materials in the pubic domain in the United States." Editors Chris Campolo and Rebecca Resinski then compiled these into a PDF ebook, Found in the Public Domain, that is free to download.

Contributors include Melissa Frederick, Wendy DeGroat, Karen L. George, Howie Good, Tamiko Nimura, Winston Plowes, Deborah Purdy, M. A. Scott, Margo Taft Stever, Carey Voss, and Sarah Ann Winn. The booklet includes a section of notes from each contributor on their source(s) and process.

Heron Tree publishes poems individually on their website and collects them into volumes and special issues. All content is available for readers online. The publications is open for submissions for volume seven through December 1, 2019.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

3Elements Review Themed Writing Prompts

Looking to spark your motivation for writing? Try the latest prompt from 3Elements Review: Carriage, Pinwheel, Scour.

3elements reviewEach quarter, 3Elements Review presents three elements, and all three must be used in the story or poem in order to be considered for publication. 

The editors expand on this guideline, "Your story or poem doesn’t have to be about the three elements or even revolve around them; simply use your imagination to create whatever you want. You can use any form of the words/elements for the given submission period. For example, if the elements are: Flash, Whimsy, and Seizure; we would accept the usage of Flashed, Whimsical, and Seizures."

3Elements also accepts artwork and photography based on at least one of the elements - "but creating something that represents all three elements will really impress us."

The deadline for this quarter is November 30, 2019.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Understorey Offers Editing for Submissions

understorey magazineUnderstorey Magazine is an online publication of Canadian literature and visual art inviting "compelling, original stories and art by Canadian writers and artists who identify as women or non-binary."

For Issue 17 themed Nature: Writing on a World under Threat, the editors are offering free editing services for submissions. In an effort to "inspire new and emerging writers, as well as support established writers," the editors are offering to "send our thoughts on what already works and what can be improved." Not all works will be published, but with this effort, Understorey hopes to help women writers "polish" their writing and "find a place to share it with the world."

A very generous offer indeed! Submission deadline is September 30.

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Sunday, September 8, 2019

2019 Witness Literary Award Winners

This spring, Witness, published by the Black Mountain Institute at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, announced the winners of its inaugural Literary Awards in Fiction and Poetry.

sophia stidPoetry Winner
Judge Hanif Abdurraqib
“Apophatic Ghazal” by Sophia Stid [pictured]

Poetry Runner-up
"lump" by Renia White

Fiction Winner
Judge Lesley Nneka Arimah
“The Nine-Tailed Fox Explains” by Jane Pek

Fiction Runner-up
“The Kristian Vang Fan Club” by 
John Tait

For more information on the winning entries as well as a full list of finalists, click here. Winning entries can be read in the Spring 2019 issue.

Submissions for the 2020 contest are open until October 1, as well as general submissions on the theme "Magic."

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