Wednesday, September 18, 2019

3Elements Review Themed Writing Prompts

Looking to spark your motivation for writing? Try the latest prompt from 3Elements Review: Carriage, Pinwheel, Scour.

3elements reviewEach quarter, 3Elements Review presents three elements, and all three must be used in the story or poem in order to be considered for publication. 

The editors expand on this guideline, "Your story or poem doesn’t have to be about the three elements or even revolve around them; simply use your imagination to create whatever you want. You can use any form of the words/elements for the given submission period. For example, if the elements are: Flash, Whimsy, and Seizure; we would accept the usage of Flashed, Whimsical, and Seizures."

3Elements also accepts artwork and photography based on at least one of the elements - "but creating something that represents all three elements will really impress us."

The deadline for this quarter is November 30, 2019.

from Blog Items

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