Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Books :: 2016 FIELD Poetry Prize Winner

chance divine jeffrey skinner blogThe winner of the 2016 FIELD Poetry Prize, Chance Divine by Jeffrey Skinner, was published at the end of last month. The editors, David Young and David Walker, selected the collection from a group of submissions they say was one of the strongest in the prize’s 20-year history. However, Chance Divine made an impression, the editors “coming back to it with increasing admiration. It’s a notably ambitious book, unafraid to ask large questions about contemporary physics, poetry, and faith, and the relationships between them—but with a wit and inventiveness that lead to unpredictable, exhilarating results.”

On the Oberlin College Press website, readers can find three excerpted poems, more information about the collection, and a way to order a copy. 

from Blog Items http://ift.tt/2nBF332

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