Thursday, April 27, 2017

New Lit on the Block :: Curieux Academic Journal

curieuxWhen he sought to name his newly envisioned academic journal for high school writers, Theodore Bass said the word ‘curious’ embodied what he wanted to do with the publication. In French, the word is ‘curieux,’ which Bass thought had a nicer ring to it. Thus, Curieux Academic Journal was christened.
When he sought to name his newly envisioned academic journal for high school writers, Theodore Bass said the word ‘curious’ embodied what he wanted to do with the publication. In French, the word is ‘curieux,’ which Bass thought had a nicer ring to it. Thus, Curieux Academic Journal was christened.

Just launched on March 20, Bass plans Curieux Academic Journal  to come out online three times a year, with the next schedule date of publication July 20. “My personal motivation,” he explains, “was the fact that there are no places for high school students to publish their academic papers and essays. I decided to fill the void. Hopefully we can grow to become an international network of high school students publishing their wonderful work.”

Currently, all editors and personnel involved with the publication “are motivated, intelligent high school students who do not work for pay,” Bass says. “My thanks goes out to them; they're the ones who make the journal work.”

Writers who submit works can expect to have them read by two editors, with each weighing in on the decision to accept/deny, and both offering feedback for how the submissions could be improved.

Readers of the publication can expect this quality to be upheld as well as variety. “It really is a collage of papers and essays” Bass tells NewPages. “We accept work from essentially every academic field, so when you're reading our journal there is no specific theme you will find except for that of well-thought out research.”

The future of Curieux Academic Journal will depend upon the dedication of its readers and editorial staff. “I'd love to make the transition to print. That's obviously a dream,” Bass says, joining in the dream of many a journal. (And it’s a good dream to have!) “I'd also like to publish more: instead of publishing every four months I'd like to publish every two months.”

To meet that goal, Bass and his fellow editors encourage students to submit works, and for teachers to encourage their students to participate in the process of submitting works for peer review and publication. Submissions must come from high-school (or younger) aged writers, with academic papers and essays on every academic topic considered. Bass adds, “Instead of looking at subject-matter, we look at thoughtfulness.”

Young writers with thoughtful academic writing – this is your call!

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