Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our daily tweets

08:11 So what was Ricky Gervais drinking at the Golden Globes?

11:14 A friend, playwright Gina Moxley, in NYTimes for "The Crumb Trail." tinyurl.com/7sxl5b

11:26 RT @andrewbadera: Schenectady On $.75 a Day: tinyurl.com/8m4tre article notes that 75 cents for a daily paper is still a good deal

17:02 twitpic.com/12a1q - Fyi Revolutionary Road opens Fri in the Capital Region

17:03 Pei Yao Wang and Friends @ Union College, 1/11/09: Pei Yao Wang creates an elegant afternoon of music By James H.. tinyurl.com/7y9dmk

17:54 Just learned that Focus Features plans to release "Taking Woodstock" on Aug. 14; movie was filmed around the Capital Region.

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