Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our daily tweets

10:18 - Mysterious postcard sent to TU; the back says nothing; ideas?

10:52 @NYPinTA @tuner It's just a postcard addressed to "Presidential Inauguration" c/o Times Union, the other side is completely blank

11:00 Check out video from "Rent: School Edition" at Cohoes Music Hall

11:07 @knockatize I haven't given it the sniff test yet. hold on ... nope, no discernible aroma of lemon ... the mystery continues ...

13:12 @amezri absolutely nothing -- it's just a weird little thing in the newsroom, like someone trying to communicate but unable to

13:50 - An early look at student-submitted hopes for US under Obama

16:55 It's game time…: Monday, January 19 is George Bush's last day in the White House. To help you ..

16:55 NYS Writers Institute Spring Visiting Writers Series: The New York State Writers Institute at the University at ..

16:55 Pittsfield to be honored by state cultural council: It's outside of the Capital Region, but Pittsfield is ..

16:55 Arts Cam: "Rent: School Edition" from C-R Kids: This week’s Arts Cam goes behind the scenes during o..

16:55 Pretenders, PETA launch video contest: The Pretenders — who are kicking off its national tour in good ol&#..

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