Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our daily tweets

09:02 Steve Forbert @ WAMC, 1/16/09: By David Malachowski Special to the Times Union ALBANY   Venerable sing songwrite..

09:02 Diavolo @ Proctors, 1/16/09: By Tresca Weinstein Special to the Times Union SCHENECTADY – The dancers of Diavolo..

15:18 @Losile Writers block? I thought it was a recipe for dog eaters ;)

15:19 @sreenet Buy anything?

15:23 @the_macbean (in elvis voice) Uh, thank you, thank you very much

16:14 What's the sexiest instrument? W/video

17:25 Just learned Shalimar in Delmar set to open second week in Feb. That's 2 new Delmar restaurants in 2 months!!!

19:11 - A warm fire for a cold night

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